Maintex Shop Online is easy to navigate and facilitates the supply ordering process. You can browse thousands of products, access SDS and product spec sheets, download brochures, create shopping lists, and view product availability.

Advanced features include access to purchase history, stored copies of order confirmations, the ability to create custom shopping lists, and more. Here’s how to navigate the site.

Sign in

Sign in to your personal account to access your company's pricing and purchase history as well as your saved shopping lists. From the homepage, use the Shop Online button to get to our online store. Then, use the Sign In link.

Need another account?

We can create personal accounts for as many users as you need, and they will all be tied to your company's contract. To request an additional account, just click the Register For Access button on the sign-in page, or give us a call!

Home page

1. Search by product name, keyword, or item number
2. Tree Navigationto drill down into specific categories quickly
3. Category View lets you browse our entire catalog visually
4. Lists let you organize shopping lists of frequently purchased items for easy reordering
5. Quick Add to add items to your shopping cart quickly by item number

Item detail page

1. Review up-to-date item pricing and stocking information
2. Enter a quantity then Add to Cart. If multiple units of measure are available, a drop-down will allow you to select your preferred size and will automatically update pricing to match
3. Save the item for later by adding it to an existing or new Shopping List, or putting it on your Wish List
4. View product description and More Info such as SDS, spec sheets, and product brochures
5. Use Related Items and Similar Items to view similar and complementary products